Versions Compared


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AreaProcessPrimary AuthorStatus
InfrastructureRegistering / Configuring a new Internet Domain Name

InfrastructureRegistering / Configuring a new NHS Domain Name


Infrastructure/wiki/spaces/INFRA/pages/947683365Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)Done
Infrastructure/wiki/spaces/INFRA/pages/947683338Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)Done
Infrastructure/wiki/spaces/INFRA/pages/947683736Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)Done
UKRDCEnabling New Test ResultsGeorge SwinnertonDone
UKRRAdding PID to Statisticians Output

UKRRQuarterly NHSB&T Data Exchangefoghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed)Done
DevelopmentSoftware Change Process

RADARConfigure New Cohort

InfrastructureIT New Starter Procedure

InfrastructureIT Leaver Procedure

InfrastructureCreating a new NHS.Net Account

Infrastructure3rd Party Web Development Access

InfrastructureUse to SCL to install newer versions of software
