Outstanding Tasks | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | - George Swinnerton will remove the duplicate RaDaR memberships this week
- Andrew Atterton will resolve the outstanding issues with the tickets he is assiggned in the June 2019 Sprint.bfore setting up RaDaR and UKRDC ui development environments ready to work on the two UIs.
- George Swinnerton restarted the appserver which seemed to resolve the issues with the UKRR-extract.
- George Swinnerton copied the live database to staging which has allowed the generation of quarterly files for Kings.
- George Swinnerton has applied the fix to the renalreg database to resolve the issue with data loading and not being correctly logged. The issue was caused by column differences between int and text.
- james.griffin (Unlicensed) has deployed to staging a fix for
Jira Legacy |
server | UK Renal Registry Jira |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | f5f38dbd-4aee-38a9-ae26-bb00e3a680b4 |
key | RDR-663 |
| and is working on others. - UKRR Extract is now being used to create the 2018 quarters and Fran has started processing them and is sending the errors file that would normally go direct to the unit via George so he can filter out any issues due to the extract etc. before passing other errors to Hugh. There are still a few issues George has identified:
- there is a schema error for the HD blocks which have the start stop times on the individual entries rather than on a block
- The PV only patients need a treatment block but we don't have a code defined for this
- The file needs to report the schema version it is using to help manage issues related to schema updates.
- The management of approx results of <90 how should we use this should we just take the next valid number, do Kings have a value as well? this just needs a decision of how they should be handled.
- Fran has noticed there are no diabetes patients and this seems to be to do with how the patients are coded where they are all coded as generic diabetes and not as Type 1 or 2
- Shaun has suggested the code for the extract should have provision for specifying a single patient/group of patients rather than having to re run the whole extract just to update one or two entries.
- The contract is another step closer. In theory the contract can be released for signing which will kick off all the move processes.
- Validation there is still an issue on Bamboo where the build job is not looking in the right place for the config file. George Swinnerton will resolve this this week.