- Click on the "Add Task" button and search for a "Script" task. Click "OK".
- In the Task Description enter "Build Wheel"
- LINUX: Again, as this is a Linux task put "Shell" as the Interpreter.
- LINUX: For the script location Select "File" and put "housekeeping/scripts/linux/build_wheel.sh" as the script location.
- In the Argument field put "dev my_package", where my_package is the name of the package to be built. Dev is the index to which it will be published.
- Click Save
Note |
The Windows version of this script will build a Python 27 virtual environment unless a parameter containing the folder name on the C drive ("Python36" etc.) where an alternative version is installed. This virtual environment will then be used for the subsequent steps including building the EXE. The Linux version will always use the RedHat SCL 3.6 Install and does not take any parameters. TODO: I think it would be clearer if the version of Python was specified more explicitly at the start of the prcoess. |
Step 14 - Junit Parser Task