Outstanding Tasks | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | - George is still awaiting portal login details from NHSEngland which are to be sent to Retha.
- Automatic tracing of UKRDC records. James has the query done and the transform from tracing response done is till to be done along with the automating of the process
- Renalware haven't yet corrected the mapping but George has now heard Tim is on holiday for two weeks so we don't expect any progress during this time.
- rrtstatus was deployed to live last night and should answer Fionas issue of this field not displaying for the rda feed patients. She also high lighted an issue with some patients diagnosis not being present however this sounds like it is a single patient issue as that has always been sent through from the rda feed. Fiona will send George the issues she has found.
- The quick loading process has been awaiting Retha's return for a final decision on which route to take for the quick load as it is a balance of resources and time. Once that has been resolved George will sync test with live and the loading of the files can begin.
- James has made some documentation for the BCH Star registry VM and will add more detail on the how to make the VM so it can be replicated if need be. BCH have picked up the latest version of the build from the sftp server. We haven't heard back from them since. This highlighted the fact that the passwords were changed and updated in keepass but no record was kept of the previous version which currently is still available. It is important that the previous ones be kept if they might still be needed when updating passwords.
- Both servers are using > 1TB of disc space for mirth logs we need to see if we can recover some space before enabling the Leicester PV feed for all patients and also look at whether all channels have appropriate clean up settings to minimise excessive disk usage. George will review the current status and make/recommend changes.
- Not update on OPT out. Retha has reported our proposals to HQUIP and we are awaiting feedback.
- Last week was another reporting week which went off successfully. James will aim this week to finish off the software and documentation ready for it to be taken over when he leaves. To this end Andrew will manage the reporting next week using the documentation from James with James on call to assist if he has a problem. This should ensure the documentation is validated and the process fully understood before James' departure.
- Andrew has sorted out the issue with a missing patient from the rituximab export however it uncovered an issue with a patient who should not have been in the group who was being included. This appears to be because they are still appearing as members in the export process though the ui doesn't make this mistake. Currently Andrew doesn't understand what the cause is so is comparing records between similar patients who have been removed from the cohort and the one in question to identify where the error is in the record. He also believes INS exports are finally sorted for Fiona.
- Fiona highlighted a couple of tickets that need resolving. One is allowing Garry to test his scripts on staging so giving him right access
Jira Legacy |
server | UK Renal Registry Jira |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | f5f38dbd-4aee-38a9-ae26-bb00e3a680b4 |
key | RDR-733 |
| and the other is resolving the syncing of data from RDA feeds where the Audit fields need mapping back to the PV fields for RadaR Jira Legacy |
server | UK Renal Registry Jira |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | f5f38dbd-4aee-38a9-ae26-bb00e3a680b4 |
key | RDR-731 |
| which is already a ticket on the ukrdc Jira https://jira.ukrdc.org/browse/TNG-570. These need to be resolved this week.