Project Structure
- We use Docker images to deploy the applications
- I’m assuming everyone is familiar with Docker but if not let me know and I’ll run through why we use it
- Docker images can have tags, so we use these to separate environments (dev, staging, production etc)
- Our Docker-Compose file pulls and configures all images required to run the whole stack
- Runtime configuration is handled by .env files or environment variables
Devops Flow
- Main
- Development branch
- Code should rarely be committed directly
- Base for feature/fix branches
- Feature branches
- When working on a specific feature/fix, create a new branch for that work item
- Either submit a PR when ready, or create a draft PR whenever
- PRs should pass all tests and code-quality checks before merging
- PRs should be reviewed by someone else on the project before merging
- Staging
- Once the “main” branch is ready to be deployed to staging, merge into the ‘staging’ branch
- This will trigger an image build with the “staging” tag
- Production
- Once the “staging” branch is ready to be deployed to live, merge into the ‘production’ branch
- This will trigger an image build with the “production” tag
- Our Docker images are deployed to GHCR (
- Once the image has been deployed (check repo Actions tab for status), connect to the app server via SSH
- Run:
- cd /srv/ukrdc-compose
- docker-compose pull
- docker-compose down
- docker-compose up -d