Some functionality within the UKRDC, such as sending record to PKB, is controlled by membership records. A membership record is a distinct patient record within the UKRDC, linked to data feed records for a particular patient, which contains special program membership data.
The presence of a membership record linked a particular patient will enable functionality like PKB data sending†.
Creating a new membership record
To create a new membership record for a patient, first find their master record, then within the list of Patient Records, click the “Add Memberships” button within the “Membership Records” section.
If a membership record does not yet exist for the patient, you will have the option to create a new one.
Initial data sending
By design, the UKRDC should automatically send any initial data to upstream services like PKB as soon as the membership record is created.
If this initial send fails for any reason, you can easily trigger a re-sync to send the full patient record at any time. See Syncing data to upstream services.
† While a PKB membership record is required to enable data sending for a patient, is it not sufficient. The patient's renal unit must also have PKB sending enabled at the unit-level.