‼ Priorities
‼️ Look at other Repository related tickets as assigned by GS
No progress (focusing on UKRR memberships)Now in progress
Testing some stuff locally
Needs to speak to George about one of the tickets
‼️ Load UKRR memberships into UKRDC Live
Testing locally before moving to staging and finally liveFixing errors locally with help from George
Sending to staging with a view to do live next week or the week after depending errors
Timelines uploaded to Radar
Had to go back to With Fiona
Dialysis and transplant timelines to be uploaded from RR to RADAR
Timelines don’t match up but do overlap
It may be that RADAR is actually more accurate than RR
Now produces a CSV of queries to be checked manually by Fiona
Work is essentially done, just waiting on a decision about what we want to do
RADAR 3 planning
RADAR 3 planning
Have put together a bunch of talking points for Thursdays meeting
Delegated to Garry
Waiting to hear back on progress
Scanning software set up/checkedWaiting on reply from Formstorm
Once we hear back, upload to Formstorm server
❗SASFormstorm has sent us a file that needs testing
Will look at this when in the office this week
‼️ SAS/database licensing
Retha to get Andy in contact with SAS contact
Need to look into unifying our SAS licenses
Re-assess cloud licensing
❗ Changes for MSE site to get feed working
Continuing this week
Validation changes
Nominally done
Waiting to hear back from Fran
❗ NHSBT changes (if time, taken from Andy)
This week
Finish dashboard stats change proposal and draft unit tests
Work items…. so many work items
Continue this week
Send PR for INS app registration changes (POST request, use request body)
[If time] Deploy new UKRDC dev to new servers
This week?
Delegate a subset of the XML to SQLA mappings to Phil
❗ Looking at sorting the data for the nurture dashboard
Nearly there, just waiting on firewall rules
George thinks the transfer is running as a cron job from an account
Data being sent from RADAR to both old and new Nurture dashboard server
Look into deploying dashboard docker container
Coordinate with JoelDidn’t get to this last week, will get it sorted this week
Off sick
Checking and renewing where appropriate, SSL certificates
Next big digicert update will be ukrdc.nhs.uk
Sorting out this weekongoing waiting for account top up
❗ Start setting up Zabbix
Start this week
‼️ Get back to AIMES about which NBT servers need HSCN IPs
Start writing UKRDC Stats library tests
Picking up this week
New demo stats plots with timing and memory usageNeeds to be reviewed
❗ Continue with RDA test file validation
Get code from George to use Java library from Python
XML → Java → Database → SQLA → ????
[Possibly] Paeds completeness report
George Swinnerton to do one item and hand over to Phil
This week probablyHard to get a licence. Asked Aimes if they can help
NBT RR-SQL-TEST update to Windows 2012 R2
🖥️ Helpdesk
Michael Ruston going to look into this
[ITSM-133] Amend 'Steve' so that paediatric units are included - Jira (atlassian.net)
Michael Ruston to scope out deploymentGeorge Swinnerton to look into query change
Andrew Atterton and George Swinnerton to see if they can add details will make a call to resolve
Possibly they used the wrong key while creating it
Ask a data manager to decrypt from their machine
If they’re unable to, the site has likely encrypted with the wrong key
🗒 Misc. Notes
Phil figured out how to get Poetry working on WSL with SSL inspection
AIMES site visits
Thursday - Virgin media
They’ll notify AIMES within 2 weeks of the outcome
Site installation visit could be within 4 weeks
We’ll need to delay to do all the other prep/setup
Monday - AIMES
We need to contact the door access control people to check if there’s anything we need to know before switching the network
We’re keeping the printers
Everything else seems fine
AIMES to provide a report
- Andrew Atterton contact Jen for floor plans
NHS Digital have messed up our HES linkage
We put a complaint in due to them ignoring us
Now they’ve come back admitting a mistake with the new linkage
They’ve deleted all our previous patients
Anna has cleaned up the file
Retha uploaded new cohort on Friday
Uploading old cohort today
George Swinnerton should get an email to say the new linkage is there
May not be for weeks
Nothing new
NHS Ireland concerned they may not be able to send us data at all going forward
This is due to implementation of a new system - Encompass?Nothing new
✅ Outstanding Tasks
Task report | ||||