Every month AKI Lab submission completion report is put online. RAG stands for Red/Amber/Green. This report looks at the lab submissions and reports back how much missing data they do not submit. Red - when more than 5% of all entries for the month are missing all of the following fields: nhs Fields that are looked at are: NHS number, date of birth, aki warning test result, gender, and post code. Amber - when more than 5% of all entries for the month are missing one or more, but not all of those four fields mentioned with Red. And finally Green is when all four fields are present on 95% or more of all entries for the postcode.
- Green is when mentioned fields are completely filled for the 90% of the rows for the given month.
- Amber, is when mentioned fields are all filled between 50% and 90% of all the rows for the given month.
- Red is when mentioned fields are all filled less than 50% of all the rows for the given month.
Report is triggered by email from one of the Data managers (atm mostly from NH/SE) asking to run the report and giving the path to locked AKI progress excel spreadsheet. Data managers should be able to make this report themselves.
To run the report, one needs to clone aki_validation repository, install all the requirements and run scripts/akiload.py script. There there is a menu under utils called generate RAG report. Run the usual AKI Validation Program ( R:\Registry_Utils\AKILoad ).
Click on the Menu Item "Generate RAG Report" under the "Utils" menu in the App.
That will produce the excel file which needs to be sent back to asking data manager. Normally, just put somewhere under Q:\AKI folder and send back a path to it.