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Outstanding tasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has almost completed QBL Counts. There are still some issues with the unit tests failing. He has agreed with Fran Benoy-Deeney that the fix RR-994 release will be after she returns from holiday .
  • George Swinnerton has emailed NHSBT about the PV feed but has not had a response yet as to when the feed will be fixed
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) has not yet followed up about the AKI Loaded data this will need the key people to be available
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) is still awaiting further details on the AKI Data dump requested
  • George Swinnerton has matched the Welsh HES data and is now awaiting Anna to attach her stats data before it is uploaded
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has updated the PV_Usage Extract to include the filename this needs testing on PV before an automated download script is set up to pull the output file back to the UKRR servers.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) needs to create a report for Nurture to identify the patients requiring followup. How this might be included within the RaDaR web interface was discussed. Ideally reports like this should be available to unit admins for the cohort and not require significant input from UKRR Systems and Infomatics. This facility is likely to be required for Rituximab as well but for different reports. Some though needs to be given into how treports should be made available within RaDaR
 NHSBT foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed)

 NHSBT have supplied anew file to foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) in which they have tried to fix the issues highlighted at the meeting held with them. foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) will process this.


Fiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) has asked for some changes to the nurture dashboard.

Jira Legacy
serverUK Renal Registry Jira

NHSEnglandThis download is due at the end of the week.

Action items

  •  foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) finish 
    Jira Legacy
    serverUK Renal Registry Jira
  •  George Swinnerton keep chasing NHSBT about PV transplant feed 
  •  foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) progress the NHSBT file  
  •  George Swinnerton to progress changes to Nurture Dashboard  
  •  rapolas (Unlicensed) to look at reporting within RaDaR how specific reports could be run for different cohorts by admins whilst creating the Nurture report.
  •  George Swinnerton to run NHSEngland extract  