✅ Outstanding Tasks
Task report | ||||
Magic & TXFirst
No progress yetAIMES
Waiting to head back (technical staff hear back, saff on leave last week)
- Joel Collins chase up AIMES hypervisor-level encryption
🔁 Ongoing topics
JTRACE replacement
Joel to go through comments and respond
NBT Migration: Plan/Design
No updates
AIMES Server migration
No updates
NBT Migration: Tracing Access
Retha to apply to NHS Digital for linkage for quarterly tracing via DARS after UKKW
Takes about a year for an application, for 3 years access
Can take up to 4 months to get results back
We’ll need to do an audit application first, once approved then we can apply for a research application
We can USE this data, but we can’t add it in our database.
We can confirm the data with a unit and THEN add it
OR we can ask units to run tracing themselves and send us the results quarterly
We wouldn’t even need to use the renal system, we could just send each unit a tracing file to return to us
RADAR Sprint
No updates
v5 feed
Changes made, but still need to merge master into v5
Data-Repository changes being tested
Magic and TXFirst
Not had time yet
\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics
Should be done this week
GDPR request
Retha to discuss with management at UKKW
Will email to confirm steps
UKRDC presentation (North West)
They want to understand what the UKRDC is
Clinical staff, not technical
We need to outline the benefits to switching
James suggested to show them some key measures of what it would look like
Retha to discuss with Phil, George, (maybe Joel for displaying data) how to get something implemented
Initially just show mockups to get feedback
v5 feed
Needs to be done urgently. Mainly George Swinnerton and Andre Ortega Alban
- v5 Feed: Publish v5 schema (merge master into v5 branch, get GH pages URL)
- v5 Feed: Check data repository changes (urgent)
- v5 Feed: Build and implement v4 to v5 converter
Michael starting
Joel to circulate induction stuff
Laptop buying
Need to consider support level
- Andrew Atterton look into pricing for Dell support options
- Joel Collins put together a complete costing document
STATA licenses
We need an updated license
Cheap licenses can’t be upgraded to new versions
Good to renew
Set up by James Metcalf
Andy might make a new account, after checking if we’d lose anything
Phosphate project
Got in touch
Not yet paid so no work to be done yet