⁉️ Discussion Points
‼ Priorities
PKB Wales/Nottingham SendsDone - 2 sites need resuming due to errors.
Some “ambiguous ID” errors that need solvingAll done❗ Migrating patient-entered data from PV to UKRDC
UKRDC Tickets
On leave todayDoing new starters
Laptops and migration stuff
❗SAS installs on new laptops (depending on Michael)
New test and docs written
RADAR 2 update
Ongoing - Waiting for Fiona to return
NHSMail stuff
❗Validation and QAS testing on new infra
UKRDC Tickets
OngoingQAS working
Validation in progress, waiting on AIMES
PHOSPHATE Extract migration
Done, awaiting revised update.firewall rules
Simplifies feed migration
Update public UKRDC DocumentationInterviews
NBT migration
Final cutover prep and comms
Finish and send out new IT Policy stuff
Mailbox content migration
INS app
Hard-code new NHS login test user
Copy the staging database to production
Set up clicksend and send API keys to Citrus
Database export/dump to Fiona and George
Set up status pageDashboard updates
NBT migration
SFTP sync script today (hopefully)
Send SystemsCold access to George
Heather setting up Hello auth for hybrid resources this week
‼️ Mailbox content migration
❗ Final server sync
Migration-related tickets
Plan NHS Scotland UKRDC Dashboard intro
Arrange last NBT jobs (wiping, returning gear etc)
Migration-related tickets
Workaround for Local Security Authority Protection issue
Migration-related tickets?
Design/planning for next phase
❗ Chasing up Paeds
Re-ran Wales
❗ Quarterly extract fixes
Done but having GitHub Workflows with SSH
🖥️ Helpdesk
- Joel Collins and Andrew Atterton add extra bits to helpdesk wiki
- NBT contact details (helpdesk link, email, phone number)
🗒 Misc. Notes
Remind everyone to use the helpdesk.
✅ Outstanding Tasks
Task report | ||||