‼ Priorities (and things what we did)
Reference ranges for PKB
Waiting for final confirmation (George) of last code
PKB Scotland sendWaiting for confirmation to send last 1 unit
Update UKRDC transfer script
On progress
UKRDC tickets
George to code-review
UKRDC ticketsExtract to get test results per renal unit done, next steps to confirm with George
‼️ AKI tool ticket
UKRR RDA extract
NHS England extract
UKRDC testingThis Week
UKRDC Feed Testing
New Starter Induction
Not This Week
INS testing
Final queries for Citrus
PHOSPHATE Extract migration, SIMPLIFIED feed migration
Investigate missing data
Validation Testing
NHSBT - Deletion of Irish Patients
PKB usage data transfer
Waiting for response to George RE encryption
George to chase up
Continue Dashboard sprintNew starter induction
Need to figure out specifics
Go through (and comment on) George emails
Finish chore: migrate to select api by jtc42 · Pull Request #780 · renalreg/ukrdc-fastapi (github.com)
Schema conversion data storage
Waiting on schema release 4.2
Finish testing ACT/Data-Collection
Work with Michael to archive and decommission Nurture and PV TEST servers
Get ACT set up on a new machine
Chase upEmail Joe first with the list of old and new servers
Continue working through handover todo list
Data correction - with Data Team and RaDaR Team.
PKB queries
Do SQL course
Planning to finish this week
All relevant modules complete
Some additional modules still to do
(? Start Python course - Chat to Sarah)
Run some practice queries on UKRDC db
Plan new tasks
‼️ Data Protection Toolkit - Looks ok, need to go through and actually fill it outOngoing
❗ NHS SES DCB1596 stuff
InTune on mobile stuff - Planned for 14th Feb?further android testing this week, send email this week
‼️ SSL Certs
Validation in progress
Gandi don’t use the Charities register or companies house - need an account on the service they do use, working with Steph
Ticket in with Gandi to see if we can use UK Charities Register, we don’t have an account with the one we usually use and steph hasn’t heard of it so isn’t keen to pay for it
Work with Joel on server decommissioning and upgrades
CUPID development (onging)
❗Clean up / annotate / test insert code
Decide how to handle sites switching renal systems
Kings EPIC feed
Data model for “work items”Plan investigations (workitems) with Joel
‼️ Quarterly Extracts
Finalise fixes
Deploy major release
Deploy updated schema converter to staging
Investigate errors using files sent by George(ongoing)
Provide any support for fixes with ongoing testing sites
Schema converter (ongoing)
Go through UKRR Extract work with Sarah
Continue working through Python course.
Go through data correction work with MartaGo through UKRR Extract work with Phil
Working through setup stuffGeneral support/tickets?
🖥️ Helpdesk
🗒 Misc. Notes
Upgrading postgres of RHEL6 servers
✅ Outstanding Tasks
Task report | ||||