Outstanding Items | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | - No update from George on the renalware Trello tasks we are awaiting on.
- Andrew is doing another manual trace for RaDaR and hasn't had a chance to progress the automation of this yet.
- NHSBT have come back to say they mucked up the DOB when lining data and have asked to start again. Andrew will resend the data.
- Andrew is still sorting internationalradar issues for the pen testing issues. Once this is done all items should have been actioned.
- George was merging in the branches having released version 1.1.17 of the code ready to start the next development. It looks like this has been completed but a new branch has not yet been started.
- Andrew has identified and fixed the issues seen in the VM for the Star Registry. He has rebuilt the VM with this successfully however the redeployment to the local hosted copy on has had some issues which he is still trying to resolve. Once sorted Fiona can review and identify any other changes required before building a new VM for deployment.
- Andre is off sick so has made no progress on the AKI code.
- Andrew hopes to do a new release to live RaDaR this week. he hit some issues late on Friday so postponed deployment until today.
- INS app we now have two quotes in one from living well ~£128K and one from Citrus ~£60000. Fiona has identified another developer who could provide a third quote.