Item | Who | Notes | ||||||||||
Outstanding tasks | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) |
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NHSBT | foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) | NHSBT have supplied anew file to foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) in which they have tried to fix the issues highlighted at the meeting held with them. foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) will process this. | ||||||||||
Nurture | Fiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) has asked for some changes to the nurture dashboard.
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NHSEngland | This download is due at the end of the week. |
Action items
- foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) finish
Jira Legacy server UK Renal Registry Jira columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId f5f38dbd-4aee-38a9-ae26-bb00e3a680b4 key RR-994 - George Swinnerton keep chasing NHSBT about PV transplant feed
- foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) progress the NHSBT file
- George Swinnerton to progress changes to Nurture Dashboard
- rapolas (Unlicensed) to look at reporting within RaDaR how specific reports could be run for different cohorts by admins whilst creating the Nurture report.
- George Swinnerton to run NHSEngland extract