✅ Outstanding Tasks
Description | Due date | Assignee | Task appears on |
| 2023-02-13 Meeting notes |
AIMES encryption
AIMES have come back - and the data is not encrypted at rest. Michael to investigate.
v5 feed
GS to make remaining changes this week.
Magic and TXFirst
Some remaining changes required.
\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics
Laptop buying
Still in progress.
Some discussion about support. Is Dell turning up at a remote worker’s house within 4 hours worth it? What about imaging the laptop? Is it better to have some spares in Bristol and just post courier them out.
- Andrew Atterton look into pricing for Dell support options
STATA licenses
Turned out course didn’t need a new licence so existing version was fine.
Andy has renewed the licence.
Phosphate project
No further update.
PKB have added Home Dialysis Entry functionality. GS to speak to James Chess about the details.