Data Correction
Deleting data from PKB
Delete scripts are part of renalreg/pkb_services: Modules and Utilities related to PKB (
Lab Orders/Result Items
python scripts/ laborder {--no-dryrun} {--anon} [Lab Order ID]
E.g. for a real delete (not a dryrun), with non-anonymised data, to delete lab order with ID 1000122049:ba85ef4d57da88b4d256821fd51ad461
python scripts/ laborder --no-dryrun 1000122049:ba85ef4d57da88b4d256821fd51ad461
python scripts/ document {--no-dryrun} {--anon} [Document ID]
E.g. for a real delete (not a dryrun), with non-anonymised data, to delete document with ID 1000122049:1696201200000
python scripts/ document --no-dryrun 1000122049:1696201200000