2016-12-14 Meeting notes

2016-12-14 Meeting notes




Discussion items

20 minUpdate from GeorgeGeorge Swinnerton
  • Nurture Dashboard to be developed - this will show the project status on internet using only anonymised data
  • Fergus bidding to help set up South African Renal Registry
  • 2015 Data gone to statisticians
  • Data Managers doing some verification
15 minDiscussion on Role of IAOGeorge Swinnerton

Based on the email sent out by Hilary not all Information Assets were listed

Missing were radar, pv etc. Who should be the IAO? needs to be sorted.

Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) explained that whilst the NHS sturcture is to have specific managers in SIRO and IAO roles who can make key decisions not all those who will have an IAO role will be in a position to full fill the roles as defined in the IGToolkit Training. This in part is due to the size of the UKRR and need to delegate elements. This means that the actual role remits will need to be clearly defined and how different decisions are made clearly documented. It is likely that the SIRO will make the decisions and the IAOs will provide supporting help covering their Asset areas. It is anticipated that the IGForum will be used as a place to discuss and structure/initiate the formal review processes that are required.

10minRenal Supplier Phone callsRetha Steenkamp


  • CCL they will be sending version 3.. files this year unless they are paid money to develop the version 4.2 spec. Aiming to work with them on the ukrdc feed probably with a Unit in Newcastle
  • Medical - not seen letter that was sent RS resending it
  • Vital Data - Andy Webb wasn't there will retry?
  • Cybernius - haven't been called but will be to check where they are at
  • Data Managers will start asking for files from the CCL sites.
10 minProgress update from Rapolasrapolas (Unlicensed)
  • Hoping v4 Validation will be completed by Christmas/End of the year
  • Issue with Steve when pulling uuids out of the ACT SQL on a Linux machine in that the data is returned as a byte array that doesn't easily map back to the uuid. On a windows machine it works fine. This is likely a feature of FreeTDS.
10 minProgress update from Rogerfoghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed)
  • Busy setting up auto builds on bamboo servers
10 minProgress update from Tim

Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • Patched all servers for Dirty Cow
  • Sorted missing internet access on some NBT linux servers (which weren't updating)
  • RedHat licence on internet Expired  Now renewed but we seem to have an extra licence created in October
  • NBT seem to have been clearing outstanding Resolveits for Christmas. All registry(NBT) laptops should be enabled to access JIRA from the VPN and office wifi now.
  • N3 Dongle was delivered and refused (for some reason) Colin has been chasing and and it should be being redelivered
5 minCreation of a Systems Team SpaceTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Need to take minutes in meeting to help with IG and ISO Evidence
  • Team Spaces have a Meeting Notes Template that looks useful
  • Ideally notes should be added during the meeting
  • To Dos can be added and reported
  • Agreed that setting up Team Space and trying it should be done

Action items