
DevPI is no longer in use. See instead

Installing DevPi Server

  1. Preferred environment is Python 2.7 with pip, virtualenv installed.

  2. Install the server

    mkdir -p /opt/devpi/data cd /opt/devpi scl enable python27 bash virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip -q -U devpi-server
  3. The data area needs to be initialised using

    cd /opt/devpi/ source venv/bin/activate devpi-server --serverdir /opt/rh/devpi/data --init
  4. The server is run with the commands

    cd /opt/devpi/ source env/bin/activate # Drop the --start to run in the forground # --stop --status --log also available devpi-server --port 3141 --serverdir /opt/rh/devpi/data --start


  5. A proxy can be setup and it is assumed nginx will be used and the service runner needs to be set up to redirect to the devi-pi. Example configs (but not init.d) can be generated by running the devpi-server with --gen-config

  6. devpi is currently configured on the jira/bitbucket/confluence server using an apache proxy and is accessible at the following url

devpi-server is started and stopped using scripts in /opt/devpi/bin . These are called from an init.d  script located in /etc/init.d/devpi .


The current set up of devpi server on the jira/Bitbucket server runs RedHat 6 and doesn't use the default httpd but uses httpd v2.4 which means it is installed via the the software collection and referenced as httpd24 with config files stored in /opt/rh/httpd24/root/etc/httpd  rather than the default path of /etc/httpd . 

Upgrading the Server

Installing DevPi Client

The version of Pip supplied with Python 3.6 no longer works with DevPi. Before following these steps upgrade it to the latest version.
Install a devpi client on your client machine

  1. Create a pip.ini file

    1. For your local machine:

      GS: Mine is in C:\Users\MY_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\pip

    2. On rr-bamboo,

      1. for 32bit Python (27 and 36 in our case), add the pip.ini file to the

      2. For 64 bit Python (36 in our case), add the above pip.ini file to the

Configuring DevPi Server

  1. Create a root user:

  2. Create a user named 'ukrr' with the following:

  3. Login and create the initial indices:

  4. Initial seed of pips:

    The lxml, pywin32 and PyQt pips were obtained from
    The pysvn pip has to be built using Instructions are contained in the download.

  5. I noticed when I uploaded pyinstaller 3.3 (for tpckd_validation, python 3.5), devpi refused to search the main indices for other versions of same modules. Setting up a mirror allowed access to the tip version, so if you want a previous version, this needs to be uploaded by hand. Fetch the source from pypi, and build the wheel using python bdist_wheel (remember to use the right version of python for the target wheel).

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