Developing Code

Developing Code

This precis assumes knowledge of GIT, Bitbucket and the repository structure of our products.

  1. Usually, this involves a JIRA ticket - see Creating a JIRA Ticket
    1. Set the ticket to in progress
    2. look at the requirements
    3. find out which product needs to be changed.
  2. Check out the code.
    1. For small fixes, cloning the master branch of the GIT repository is enough.
  3. Modify the code
    1. Coding Standard for Python
  4. Test
    1. Work out a test plan
    2. Tox test automation files are provided in all repositories
    3. Running tox will run the available test files as well as running the flake8 utility.
    4. Go to 3 until the tests are satisfied.
    5. Run a smoke test by running the larger product. It's worth doing this before the commit - see discussion in /wiki/spaces/RR/pages/1315274767
  5. Commit Code
    1. Include the JIRA Ticket Number at the beginning of the message - this will link the code to the JIRA ticket in JIRA.
    2. On commit, automated build processes will take place. The build will appear here:


    3. For something like Validation, if you have not already, run a smoke test.
  6. Hand over for User Acceptance Test
    1. set the JIRA to review.

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