2018-03-07 Meeting notes

2018-03-07 Meeting notes





  • Review Tasks
  • Allocate targets for next week
  • AOB

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks@Tim Whitlock
Nurture Dashboard
  •  Retha Steenkamp raised a query over the nurture dashboard which appears not to be consistently reporting results. In particular counts are not correct. Fiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) has looked at these and thinks it is to do with the query being run assigning some people two entries in the sqlite database used by metabase. rapolas (Unlicensed) will look at this.
BCH Rare Diseases web site
  • Retha Steenkamp asked about hosting a demo of the site. It was pointed out that the demo site is currently only accessiblle at Bristol. There has been no response from BCH about hosting the linux server after their last reply about how they didn't have the expertise. It was then suggested that perhaps we would offer to host it for them on N3?. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to re-contact the IT and see where they have got to.
CtE Rituximab
  • Retha Steenkamp said this project work needed to be started to be finished by . rapolas (Unlicensed) to work on this over next few weeks to get it completed by the deadline.
  • This project will also fund a person to help chase up results and entries. To help them do this some form of standardised missing data report needs to be available that indicates clearly the missing data on the various projects so they know what needs chasing.

Action items

  • rapolas (Unlicensed) to look at the nurture dashboard extract queries and see if he can identify an issue - George Swinnerton to assist if required  
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to re contact the BCH IT and see where they are at with hosting the server  
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) to release new validation build and deal with any issues arising  
  • All to focus on getting the ukrdc to stage where we can give notice to Intersystems   This would give a month to switch over.