2018-04-04 Meeting notes
- Review outstanding tasks
- Plan for any none UKRDC tasks
Discussion items
Outstanding Tasks | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) |
Backup Issues | We currently have two issues with the veeam backup. Healthshare stopped backing up when the it ran out of space but has then failed to complete any backups since. This appears to be because the deltta changes is so great that veeam fails to complete the backup in the time window that has been configured so veeam aborts the backup before it completes. It is expected that if we can increase the initial backup window to allow this first delta to complete it will retun to a more reasonable time with subsequent backups. dashboard.nurturebiobank.org has been having issues with the backup causing the vm to remain locked after completion and the vmware tools disabled/stopped. This appears to be a driver issue caused by the upgrade to RH 7 leaving some residual RH 6 modules installed which have sudden;y started causing an issue after a yum update. The RH 6 modules have been removed and the vmware tools have been reinstalled. This will hopefully fix the issue. | |
CtE Retuximab Project (RaDaR) | rapolas (Unlicensed) | Retha Steenkamp has said they can see the initial screens at the end of the month. rapolas (Unlicensed) indicated he only really had one screen defined which he has been working on and is more or less done. Fiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) will need to define any other screens when she is next in to allow them to be completed. Retha Steenkamp Indicated that it was important there was a a display showing "real time" counts of patients by unit so that all project members could easily see how many patients have been recruited due to the strict limit of numbers. George Swinnerton raised the issue of what happens if one of the recruited subjects dies before/during the trial - Retha Steenkamp will follow this up. |
Validation | foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) is working on the latest va;lidation sprint involving two tickets https://jira.renalregistry.nhs.uk/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=3&projectKey=RR one should be fixed and is just awaiting a release after being signed off by Fran. The other one will be worked on in the back ground in April. |
Action items
- foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) continue working on the Validation Sprint
- rapolas (Unlicensed) continue to work on the retuximab screens in the background
- George Swinnerton continue to work on the Nurture Dashboard changes in the background