2018-04-23 Meeting notes

2018-04-23 Meeting notes




  • Review tasks
  • Discuss new tasks that have appeared
  • Discuss issues

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has not yet documented the current Release Process for Validation. He has added some information about a new improved release process.
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) the first draft of the devlopment process aimed at reducing the r=chance of none working code being checked in to the repository is still not complete.
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) has not progressed the demo server beyond provisioning. It needs to be configured on an ip and firewall rules put in place.
  • NHS England extract will be run on the  
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) a new version of the code incorporating the completed tickets of the April Sprint on Validation. THis will also include other unreleased tickets which will also be added into the Sprint so it is clear when they were "completed and released" . This still leaves the counts ticket
    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    to be worked on. A meeting later this week is due to discuss this.
  • George Swinnerton has been focused on the UKRDC so has not progressed the dashboard. It should take about two days to refactor the code and use the radar data models to extract the data.
  • Patientview database has been having some issues of high usage and symptoms seen have been code that previously ran doesn't, patients have been reporting they can login but get a popup box saying cannot load data.
  • Solidstate are going to release the code for the mobile app to github but need to sanitise the security code first.
  • George has once again pointed out that the JIRA dashboard used by Solidstate is 10 years old and has numerous reported security issues so should be upgraded since some tickets have pid information etc.

foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has received the April NHSBT file which he has matched and returned with two anomalies where the NHS Number has spaces so resulting in an invalid NHS number. These are the same as pointed out previously.


Progress has been slow on testing and getting the UKRDC in a state suitable for switchover. One issue that has occurred on a number of occasions is changes made to fix one issue breaking other previously working code. An example is changing the schema to use a date rather than a datetime breaking the python code. It is important that when issues are fixed the impact on other code and testing is thought about. We must ensure all team members are aware.

This also could be the case when finding a bug that could affect multiple data paths and there for different individuals testing. If we are all aware of the consequences of an issue it means time is not wasted re-investigating the issue but on a different data path.

Whilst the specific project at the moment is UKRDC this could apply to validation or any other project.

Action items
