2018-04-30 Meeting notes

2018-04-30 Meeting notes




  • Look at outstanding Systems tasks taht are not ukrdc
  • Plan which tasks to do for the next week alongside the ukrdc work.

Discussion items

Outstanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has nearly finished the documentation of how Validation releases are done. This documentation should enable any of the team to complete a release.
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) will ensure that the code development procedure is complete and can be found with a simple serach. Once available all team members to comment on the procedure so it can be refined.
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) the Demo server is provisioned but needs firewall rules and ip configuration. No progress has been made on this.
  • NHS England to be run  by George Swinnerton
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) still has a ticket on the Validation sprint to complete. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) noted there were some issues with the release done last week in that the wrong executables were in the editor folder. Also the version of the executables was still reporting the previous version number.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) has now been made aware of some more screens for Rituximab which he will be working on over the next couple of weeks.
  • George Swinnerton needs to complete the Nurture dashboard work as Fiona has a meeting next week about Nurture where they will be aasking about it.This item has been awaiting completeion for a long time and should have been completed by now.
Work Logging/TimeSheetsTim Whitlock (Deactivated) Due to the problem that the number of hours being spent on the ukrdc is less than half of the available hours (according to timesheets) It has been decided that all team members should keep a log of time spent on individual tasks for the week. This should help identify what is using up the available time and preventing ukrdc progress. Having identified the issues we will then be able to manage them better.
SSL/Domain ManagementTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Chrome Distrust has introduced a feature that means certain SSL certificates will be distrusted after the 13th September when the next Chrome release is. This feature is currently in the beta. This means if any of our certificates were last renewed before early December 2017 they will need to be re-issued or renewed and applied to prevent users being finding they can no longer access the websites. As long as the SSL certificate is renewed before this date we will be fine. As a result all the certificates have been re-issued that are not being renewed.
  • Patientview there are currently issues with the dns domain for patientview not having the necessary spf entry for email so is getting blocked sending emails. If we manage the domain this issue could be sorted. It has been the case since PV2 went live but is increasingly causing issues as mail providers tighten their security.
Other Work

George Swinnerton said Adzal wanted a query of PV usage by diagnosis/speciality for the Scottish trusts. He has said that he should ask solidstate.

George Swinnerton mentioned that there were issues with PatientView where by patients were getting a loading error for some of their details. This may be related to the way the new mobile app is working? It has been fixed by restarting the main web interface.

George Swinnerton says Nadim has been asked to correct/handle the top 5 exceptions that are cluttering the PV logs. Ideally all exceptions should be investigated and fixed or handled cleanly if expected.

rapolas (Unlicensed) has been asked to export an AKI Report for Retha/Anna This will require some modification to the current reportin code but should be simple to achieve.

George Swinnerton has been asked by Esther for the latest .csv with rrno and all the variables that NHSBT sent across for data request  ILD6 for George Greenhall. This is not urgent.

George Swinnerton mentioned

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
and Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. which are partly a hangover from the error which saw all patients having a transplant centre set to St Georges and another error in an associated query. foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) to sort.

Action items

  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) to look at  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. and Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.   
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) to complete Rituximab screens