2018-05-21 Meeting notes

2018-05-21 Meeting notes




  • Review current tasks
  • Identify tasks for next week

Discussion items

Outstanding tasks
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has completed documenting the release procedure for Validation Code under Application Build, Test and Release All to review for comment next week.foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has also completed the coding process documents Developing Code again all to review and provide comments next week.The aim of the documentation is to provide sufficient information to a competent (think new software programmer) for them to be able to carry out the tasks documented in the same consistent way as everyone else. No a priori knowledge should be required.
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) still has the outstanding tickets in the sprint and on the meeting todo list to complete.
  • George Swinnerton has some code working for the Nurture Dashboard and it is now displaying the graphs as required by Fiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed). However there is an issue with code due to some of the column/object names not being compatible with the sqllite database. Whilst this doesn't affect the current export requirements could cause an issue if the dataset requirements are expanded. George Swinnerton will resolve this this week.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) has completed the rituximab coding. He is awaiting any further feedback back believes all is complete.
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) has requested the firewall rules for the demo server to get it fully configured.

 The NHSBT matching is ongoing. It has been delayed with Shaun Mannings (Deactivated) absence. foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) to progress.


George Swinnerton will clear the orphaned messages in healthshare that were created as a result of the disk space issue over the weekend.

International Radar

Fiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) has raised some new tickets for international radar. rapolas (Unlicensed) is awaiting further clarification.

Action items