Simplified - Proposed File Processing (New)

Simplified - Proposed File Processing (New)

SIMPLIFIED Tracing Process

  1. SIMPLIFIED uploads SIMPLIFIED COHORT to Internet SFTP Server via SFTP
  2. RR-Systems-Live downloads SIMPLIFIED COHORT from Internet SFTP Server via SFTP
  3. RR-Systems-Live Traces SIMPLIFIED COHORT
  4. RR-Systems-Live uploads TRACED SIMPLIFIED COHORT to Internet SFTP Server
  5. SIMPLIFIED downloads TRACED SIMPLIFIED COHORT from Internet SFTP Server

SIMPLIFIED Program Memberships

  1. RR-Systems-Live sends TRACED SIMPLIFIED COHORT to UKRDC Mirth Server via SFTP
  2. UKRDC Mirth Server sends TRACED SIMPLIFIED COHORT to UKRDC App Server via Web Service
  3. Web Service on UKRDC App Server creates a Program Membership if Successfully Traced


  1. Process on RR-Systems-Live downloads SIMPLIFIED COHORT PID LIST from UKRDC Mirth Server via Web Service
  2. For each PID Process on RR-Systems-Live sends request to UKRDC Mirth Server via Web Service
  3. Web Service on UKRDC App Server gets data from UKRDC Repository and produces RDA XML
  4. Process on RR-Systems-Live receives RDA as response. 
  5. For each RDA file Process on RR-Systems-Live obtains data from UKRR SQL Server
  6. Process on RR-Systems-Live adds UKRR Data to RDA File
  7. RR-Systems-Live uploads RDA Files to Internet SFTP Server via SFTP
  8. SIMPLIFIED downloads RDA Files from Internet SFTP Server via SFTP