Issuing Laptops

Issuing Laptops

UKRR loan laptops are held in the IT Cupboard. No laptop should be removed or returned  without ensuring a member of the Systems Team members has updated the loan sheet..

Any laptop loaned out to UKRR staff needs to be logged in the Laptop Loan Sheet until a more comprehensive solution can be put in place. This spreadsheet records the laptop issued, the user who has it, the date they took it the expected date for its return and the actual date of return.

Systems team members are responsible for ensuring the loan sheet is kept up to date when issuing or returning a laptop to the IT Cupboard. The person who issues or returns a laptop should indicate they did in the appropriate space on the loan line.

Location: R:\0 Systems\Laptop Loan Sheet.xlsx

Step-by-step guide

Issuing a laptop

  1. Identify the laptop to be issued and select it from the drop down list. NB the laptops that are on semi-permanent loan currently are flagged with an * in front of their identifier.
  2. Select the user who wishes to borrow a laptop
  3. Then filling the current date, your initials and the expected return date.
  4. It is important to check that the user can login to the laptop if they haven't used it before. 
  5. None NBT laptops vary in how they work so it is worth checking thew user knows how to login.


    This laptop is encrypted using Bitlocker. it requires a bitlocker boot USB to open because it has no TPM capability. Labelled USB flashes with the necessary file are in the UKRR Safe.

  6. NBT laptops will require the user to have been set up on the McAfee encryption system and also to check the laptop has been correctly set up to support Renal Registry users.  This means some laptops may not recognise a user even after they are configured on McAfee encryption. Some laptops may not support all users if they have not been synced recently or still have an earlier McAfee configuration. NBT IT has been requested to update laptops with known issues.
  7. When a laptop is returned then the final Date and initials field should be filled in and the laptop returned to the cupboard.