2018-08-13 Meeting notes

2018-08-13 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding system tasks
  • Plan any Systems tasks for week ahead.

Discussion items

Outstanding tasks
  • NHS England Extract has been completed
  • Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    is awaiting Fran's return to be signed off and deployed
  • RaDaR meeting on hold until RaDaR feeds are active again.
  • Royal Free have enabled the pdf feeds for some patients and will enable them all over time. They have confirmed it is working however have queiried the View button that just gives a download link and doesn't actually open a viewer. In addition they have pointed out there is no warning about downloading letters when on a public PC and ensuring they are removed after viewing.
  • George Swinnerton has started looking at the Audit extract specification. He will complete this this week.  
  • SSG has said they will not remove the logging of xml files until staff return from holiday.
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has returned the NHSBT file to Chloe and awaits her response. There are a few issues with extra text in some fields where they have been used to add a note. Chloe is looking at trying to filter these as when it is a name filed it affects matching.
  • NHSBT fixed the transplant feed for PV on Thursday  and the file is now being uploaded again.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) continues to look at how reporting might be integrated into RaDaR.

The main issue recently found is that epo completeness was incorrectin the report. This appears to be because the data was returned as a decimal when an integer was required. This was not resolved by the Data Managers instead it just wasn't loaded resulting in no data for the unit in question. A decision needs to be made on how this should be handled such that valid data is not dropped. Should validation be changed to accept decimal returns or another solution used? Fergus and Rhodri are to provide input on this.

foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) is also looking at improving the error handling in the validation.

Action items