

The project involves a cohort of ~100 people recruited at the Nottingham Renal Unit.

The participents will be shown how to collect "pin prick" blood samples. These will be sent by post to a lab in Wythenshawe which has a specialist machine able to produce Creatinine and Tacrolimus results from these small sample sizes. The project wants to make these results available to the Patients via PatientView.


Initially the project was looking for a way to get the results from the laboratory to PatientView. After discussing the options with them they're going to enter the results into the Nottingham Renal System and allow it to send the results to PatientView.


Dr Jon Jin Kim

Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist/Assistant (Hon) Professor

Nottingham Children's Hospital/University of Nottingham

Nottingham  NG7 2UH

0115 924 9924 x62171

Fax: 0115 970 9419