2018-08-28 Meeting notes

2018-08-28 Meeting notes




  • Review tasks for last week
  • Allocate tasks for this week
  • AOB

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • QBL blocks fix has not been released due to another issue being found due to some sites incorrectly populating a date end field. This has now been fixed and foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) is awaiting Frans signoff along with the other fixes he has included in this build. Once that is done it will be released.
  • Meeting to sort the RaDaR tickets will be held once RaDaR is finally being synced.
  • SSG have removed the logging of the xml file from the improved queuing code on the Patientview Importer. We are still awaiting the survey importer to be fixed before this can deployed to live.@
  • NHSBT files are awaiting a response from Chloe who raised a query and now it is back with her.@Roger@'
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has done nothing on backloading the EPO data or fixing the issue that triggered it which was the fact that the data was returned with a decimal point whilst the find expected an integer. The fix will allow decimal numbers to be used. Then the historic data containing the decimal point figures will need loading
  • George Swinnerton has made no progress has been made on the specification for the extract.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) has started looking at alternative export modules for the RaDaR exporter which currently is starting to have issues on some data sets due to the export being built in memory rather than to disk.

George Swinnerton has reloaded the old survey data and supplied an export to Esther. However this has all been processed on the Dev server using the development keys and not on live as was discussed. The 2018 surveys all need to be processed and the data supplied to Esther. Data should only be supplied from a validated system ie Live. Dev should never be used and Staging should only be used for verification/confirmation since it is sudo live. Data supplied to other teams should always be from live not any test system. This means any software used should be fully tested by this stage.

foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) queried a number of outstanding tickets he didn't complete during last years survey period involving error corrections. As this process is now changing to use the sql database stored data these probably are not relevent. foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) will let Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) know the ticket numbers.

Action items