2018-09-17 Meeting notes

2018-09-17 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding tasks
  • Discuss Budgets

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) is waiting on Fran to confirm when to release.
  • George Swinnerton had not remembered his holiday last week so has not progressed the extract specification.
  • George Swinnerton has received a set of files from kings however he has been unable to extract them from the zip file with the password file provided. He has asked them to investigate and will try uploading them to staging once he has successfully extracted them. Based on the results the next step can be decided. This would probably involve stopping PV feeds from kings on staging and setting up feeds for RDA files to staging. This would allow comparisons between PV staging and PV live to confirm PV data is unaffected by the switch.
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) has not yet created a documented version of how the error correction could be done for the surveys.
  • George Swinnerton updated progress on enabling surveys to be processed automatically on live. Currently there are a couple of issues preventing this. One is ensuring the release of the survey code to live does not include any none working fixes and also patientview has not been processing the pdf files correctly due to way the data was being sent. This needs testing on staging before deploying to live. Once the code is on live the backlog of surveys can be processed and automatic feeds enabled. Alongside this work on the revised error correction process needs to be done to allow Catherine/ Beth to correct them. George Swinnerton noted that recent files he had processed had thrown invalid NHS number errors suggesting the NHS number isn't being validated by Formstorm correctly.
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has received a file from Chloe for this month checks so far suggest all the patients are present. George Swinnerton has provided a list of patients who have been reported as having transplants via returns but weren't appearing in the ukt matched files. foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) check this and report any anomalies. Once sorted/all ok he will import the latest file.
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has created a test version Fran can use to reprocess the files with missing EPO data. when this has been done she will let foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) know and then he can import the missing data.
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) has looked at the remote desktop issues of Jackie. She had not been enabled to remote desktop into her desktop which was why she had not been able to do it. Her machine settings have now been modified. Using the RDS server will need more work as the certificates have expired so need reconfiguring. In addition we will need to confirm that files can be processed successfully using this route.

DQ Reports

The data quality reports have mostly been run some no longer return results because validation has been improved to help eliminate the issue. There are still issues about how no load is flagged which is causing issues.

There is still one Data Quality report to be done which needs updating to use v4 corrected cause of death values. George Swinnerton is waiting Shauns return to clarify how he should handle reporting the entries as some will be incorrect v3 values.

 Next years Budget

  • Renewals
  • Replacement Hardware
  • New Hardware 
  • New Software required
  • Training/courses
  • Anything else

George Swinnerton asked about SQL upgrades to allow the use of new anonymising/encrypting features. Similarly the server operating systems are 2012 whilst the current version is 2016 and a new release due in 2019.

George Swinnerton also asked about mirth training.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

George Swinnerton agreed he could quickly sort this issue.

Desktop Upgrades

Upgrading 32bit windows to 64bit making all desktops have minimum 8GB ram. Extra RAM has been order and once delivered all desktops will run with a minimum 8GB of ram. This will then allow windows 64bit to make use of extra memory especially for data managers.

Disk cleanupGeorge reported that the R drive contains backups of the old oracle database which 4 years on are no longer required. In addition he believes there is another binary backup held on one of the disks. These could now be deleted.

Action items

  • George Swinnerton to complete  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.   