2018-11-26 Meeting notes
2018-11-26 Meeting notes
- Review outstanding tasks
- Discuss issues
- Discuss new projects and tasks appearing
- Plan tasks for next week
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Outstanding Tasks |
| |
RenalMed | www.renalmed.co.uk is a web site Ron has suggested we could/should be hosting. It is currently built using a propriety CMS system provided by its current hosters.(https://www.noisegatemedia.com/). Whilst hosting would not be an issue the site would need to be re-written using a web environment we could host such as Wordpress etc. The contact for this is Graham-Brown, Matthew (Dr.) <mgb23@leicester.ac.uk> | |
STAR | Birmingham Children's Hospital has started looking at hosting their STARS database based on RaDaR again. Currently awaiting a time for a meeting/conference call. rapolas (Unlicensed) said he would need to remind himself of the details again as it hasn't been touched since they went quiet earlier in the year. A test version is currently hosted on rr-intl-radar-web.northbristol.local | |
RaDaR | There is currently a patient on RaDaR whos data was mismerged with another patient due to an incorrect NHS number. It is likely this happened in Healthshare. This means the patients record contains two patients set of results. This mis-merge needs to be sorted and the records for the two patients on RaDaR sorted. |
Action items
- Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to arrange meeting with Catherine Stannard about the Surveys, the Error GUI and the reports.
- George Swinnerton to manage the Validation tickets discussed during the Validation meeting.
- George Swinnerton to ensure Simplified Extract meets requirements. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to assist in setting up automated process once extract approved by simplified.
- Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to try and arrange meeting about RaDaR tickets this week with Fiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) and rapolas (Unlicensed)
- Mismerged RaDaR Patient needs sorting.
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