2019-04-01 Meeting notes

2019-04-01 Meeting notes




  • Review current progress on outstanding tasks
  • Plan any new work

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • The 3C extract has been done and sent through. AN issue was identified that when adding 3C program memberships to the UKRDC it triggers a PV feeds as if they 3C is a unit. The criteria need to be investigated to ensure this is not the case. It is possible PV program memberships could also trigger this. George Swinnertonwill investigate further.
  • The following atlassian tools have been update, crowd servers, Jira and confluence on N3 and internet. Bamboo is in the process of being upgraded. Bitbucket cannot be upgraded at this time due to the version of git available being earlier than the supported version. RedHat 6 offers git 2.9.3 as the latest version and Bitbucket requires 2.11+. Given RedHat 6 is end of life in Nov 2020 upgrading to RedHat 7 would be the obvious way forward.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) hasn't yet made changes for InterpretationCodes field which is used in the results field when a pos/neg entry is required for a result rather than the actual value.  For the audit the actual value is not required this approach leaves the value field free should it be collected in the future.  Also Nick has not progressed the ticked to rename the filed from AbnormalFlags. Tim to follow up.
  • George Swinnerton  has not progressed the Simplified project feeds further. They have said the sample files sent are fine and now want the regular feed set up.
  • Kings have resubmitted their files with data from January. Which have loaded but Hugh Cairns suggests there may be some issues with duplicated data on PV. George Swinnertonwill investigate. They haven't done any more work on populating the schema or correcting the missing data items present in the old style PV feeds but not present in the RDA feed version.
  • The RRAM DSA for NHSBT is now signed so the extract can now be progressed. George Swinnertonwill do this this week.
  • Relocation is still not finalised NBTIT have come back with prices and information.
  • George Swinnerton has completed all the Validation tickets for the current sprint except the reporting one which requires a bit more work.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) has a new ticket to extract anonymised data dropping certain free text fields due to the difficulty in ensuring these fields are anonymised. This is currently not simple to do as the software has not been designed to support this level of filtering. He will progress this. 


 Vitalpulse have been in contact about the latest PV schema. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)has suggested they start looking at the RDA Feed as a better way forward. He has suggested a meeting and pointed them at the schemas and given a little information on using it for PV feeds and ultimately audit reporting.

Penetration tests N3

The N3 tests highlighted some issues with javascript libraries. Rapolas will review the reports ( R:\0 Systems\Projects\Pen Tests\N3 Jan 2019  ) and make the necessary updates to the systems involved. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)will look at ensuring strict headers are working and extra recommended headers are added. In addition he will review the supported ciphers and remove the ones now considered risky. 

Action items