2019-05-20 Meeting notes

2019-05-20 Meeting notes




  • Review system tasks and progress

Discussion items

George Swinnerton
Outstanding tasks
  • Simplified deployment has not been completed due to the code relying on some database connection code that ha been pulled out into a library. This now needs to be built by bamboo and the documentation has proved incomplete and so George Swinnerton  has been sorting this aspect to allow the required import module to be built and deployed. This should get completed this week.
  • Kings have sent through an email about sending modalities so hopefully they will be expanding the feed contents in the next few days. George Swinnertontry and arrange a meeting as soon as possible to try and progress this further.  George Swinnertonhas also noted that the HD Sessions use codes not permitted in the data set. THis requires a change to the schema to limit the responses accepted which will break the Kings RDA feed. Kings need to be aware of this change before the schema is updated so they can correct their feed.  
  • Schemas have not yet had a changelog added or the version number added. This needs to be done as as soon as possible so as sites start to develop the new RDA feed they know which schema they have built against and can track changes better as issues arise such as described for the kings file which require a schema update. rapolas (Unlicensed)mentioned Pachyderm https://www.pachyderm.io/index.html a data versioning systems. Not appropriate for this use case but worth being aware of.
  • No testing of study groups on the UKRDC has been done.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) has changed the survey report to fully use the UKRDC. These reports need to be checked against the previous SQL server versions and any anomalies resolved/checked. Hopefully this should resolve most of the issues present. rapolas (Unlicensed)  raised the issue of satellite codes and how they should be reported. On PV they are mapped to the main unit we need to check with Catherine how these should be handled in  the current report.
  • Nurture code still needs updating to use the later reporter code. Changes made to deal with the initial issues to do with out of memory so far seem to be sufficient and the exports are currently working as expected with no error.
  • NHSBT have returned their file for import and now they need the matched extract. George Swinnerton should complete both these tasks today.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) highlighted that RaDaR currently uses postgress 9.4 which will reach end of life in February and that we should look at upgrading. He will try on staging and see if any issues arise. All radar instances will need updating.
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) pointed out that Patientview is in the same boat and we need to plan to upgrade PV databases.
 PV SSG have fixed some tickets on PV.

Action items

  • George Swinnertonto arrange meeting with Kings Developer Tim C ASAP to help progress the RDA file poopulation.  
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) to upgrade postgres on RaDaR staging before looking at upgrading all RaDaR instances.