2019-07-08 Meeting notes

2019-07-08 Meeting notes




  • Review previous weeks tasks
  • Plan for next week.

Discussion items

Outstanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Kings have resent their feeds and expanded the patients to include (in theory) all patients required for audit and PV feeds. It doesn't look like they have expanded the content further yet so there is still missing extra data required to complete the audit extract. In addition the "all" patients seems to have a number of missing patients that were previously reported. There is currently an issue with the Medicine dosage due to it being supplied ofr some medicine as a text field giving instructions more rather than a defined number. This data will be put in the comment field rather than in the dosage field. George Swinnertonis trying to get them to "correct" this in their system and in particular supply the data correctly for the EPO. 
  • The extract still needs the data mapping for specific items in time and transplant data elements. In theory it is nearly completed enough to produce a reasonable extract subject to receiving the required data from Kings.
  • The version is now in the UKRR files, UKRDC  and PV files but adding a documentation element with the change date has not been done for all files yet.
  • Study groups haven't yet been checked yet. George Swinnertonwill check this by the end of the week.
  • The nurture extract ha snot been updated to incorporate the radar export improvements. This is not a priority but needs to be done.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) has started creating documentation for the various pieces of software he has created, UKRR Extract, process and code for Radar, transplant first, stevie etc. Andrew Atterton and james.griffin (Unlicensed) will be looking at the docs and will flag if they find things they think ar unclear or could do with more expansion.
  • Medical have been in contact about the issue at Sheffield and George Swinnertonhas supplied them with the correct list of testnames/testcodes to use and the problem has now bee corrected.
  • Relocation looking like a contract may be signed towards the end of this month. We should then be moving in around 3 months after that once the fit out is completed and leased line is installed
NHSBT monthly fileGeorge Swinnerton Currently awaiting a paeds file from Shaun when he gets back from holiday. The NHSBT contact is away until the 29th July

George Swinnerton mention Fiona had been indicating there was incomplete egfr data. It was unclear quite what the issue was.

The bamboo builds didn't have some libraries pinned in the requirements.txt which has resulted in a pip update breaking several builds. George Swinnerton is looking at this. 

NHSBT feedTim Whitlock (Deactivated)

The NHSBT feed has broken again no file has been received since the 27th June. George Swinnertonwill contact the NHSBT contact about this.

Action items