2019-08-12 Meeting notes

2019-08-12 Meeting notes




  • Review current tasks identify ones that need doing.

Discussion items

Outstanding tasks
  • Updates of the kings feed are still awaiting the return of Tim from his holiday. Meanwhile George has added the BPs to the extract however Kings do not seem to be sending any. George Swinnerton  noted that the current code for the BP extract has slowed the extract down. Some thought needs to be given to how the code can be optimised once the basic extract has been finished. An issue that George has identified to do with blood results which are out side of an expected range has been found. This appears to be where blood results were taken outside the renal unit so don't fit the usual pre post values. This only affects a small number and probably is a result of asking for all bloods. If these spurious values could be identified by where they were taken or not being part of the standard set it would make handling them easier.
  • George Swinnerton has reviewed the Extract Documentation and ensured that it covers any changes he has added.
  • Documentation for the validation codebase schemas versioning has been added.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) hasn't produced a final list of updated documentation.
  • Andrew Atterton is progressing the NHSBT file. He has received queries back from NHSBT to answer. Currently the documentation hasn't been revised but will be once the task is completed and all shortcomings identified.
  • Documentation has been reviewed by james.griffin (Unlicensed)and Andrew Attertonthey will review it further in the next two days before Rapolas leaves to ensure they have queried all ambiguities.
  • Nurture code still needs updating.
  • The Atlassian tools have been updated as a result of security advisories.
  • Relocation processes continue to rumble on. Currently awaiting paper work from interplan to complete the surveyors tracker.
  • Andrew Atterton has broken his code so isn't able to push his changes for validation. Once resolved this will be done and there should be some code for discussion in the validation meeting next week.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) has updated some recruited dates for Fiona to be the same as consented dates where the consented date was before the recruited date. Changing this identified that the recruited date can only be changed to a newer date of today so the ainterface does not allow these corrects manually.

Currently there are 3 extracts required:

One from scottish data and one from HES which will be required when the data is released for analysis

EQUAL project requires data on their patients. The quality and consistency of the demographics is such that it is quite likely there will be issues matching/finding the required data. Some tracing may be required to find NHS number etc. Once data is matched some patient data needs to be returned. George Swinnerton is currently working on this. 

Action items
