2019-08-19 Meeting notes

2019-08-19 Meeting notes




  • Review current progress and plan for week

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • Kings feed. Corrections still await the return of the developer Tim. He returns from holiday this week but is unlikely to have time to progress the changes until next Monday. Issues that need addressing are NULLs in field QHD20 Vascular Access used. There are a lot of data where the treatment centre is missing. BP and wt during dialysis is not being pulled from the dialysis session record where it is stored. There are also a large number of duplicate time line entries submitted which would throw a primary key error when trying to load as they appear identical. Timeline entries should be different if on the same day not identical.
  • In order to produce the final output there will be a need to switch to live feed. Prior to this the staging server needs syncing to live to remove all the historical test data and allow a proper full data set test using correct rda feeds. When switching to live Kings will need to find a way to still send test feeds without affecting the live feed. Currently it appears any changes made to the feed would appear on live which is not ideal when testing. Idealy they need to be able to send test feeds to rdastaging and live/production feeds to liverda.
  • NHSBT File has been returned and currently awaiting their response.
  • Documentation has been reviewed 
  • No progress on the Nurture code update. This may be affected by issues Fiona has reported about egfr values not being in the export in that some changes will be made to the code base.
  • Relocation - reviewed the plans for sockets and network ports. Andrew raised questions over how conference phones would connect and guest wifi. In addition George queried the location of the shredding collection box. No commets were made about the network ports and power port locations.
  • Fran has her report ticket completed  
    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    .  The other tickets in the sprint need completing. Andrew Attertonwill progress the "simpler" tickets in the sprint this week. George Swinnertonthinks the build issues on Bamboo have been resolved by adding suitable version numbers  in to the requirements.txt this should ensure updates don't break the build in an unexpected way. The Bamboo dashboard isn't good at showing builds on branches in a simple way so some build errors are not obvious without digging in.  
 EQUAL George has done the extract fro Equal but found the demographics quality so bad tracing was impossible for some. Currently the work has stopped whilst the EQUAL team try and improve the demographics and get a consistent set from all units.
UKTTim Whitlock (Deactivated)The ukt feed for PV has not been received again. This will need chasing again if it continues over the next few days. Sensu indicates this with the ukt_file_age test.
Fixing bugs/issuesTim Whitlock (Deactivated)

When fixing any code issues we all must check if the bug/issue has had an affect on processed data in particular database data and make the appropriate corrections as part of the fix. This issue was highlighted on the UKRDC where there are multiple RaDaR memberships due to the unit codes being changed and then corrected back. This resulted in a second RaDaR and/or Nurture membership being aded to the UKRDC. When the issue was identified they extra records should have been removed. George Swinnerton will check what code we already have to delete these spurious records and document how it can be done. Rapolas was developing some code for doing deletions of complete records and unit based feeds which may be suitable or can be adapted. 

Action items

  • UKRR extract development and kings feed
  • Andrew Atterton progress the NHSBT file
  • George Swinnerton to look at how the duplicate RaDaR memberships and associated files can be deleted and ensure we have documentation to do this