2019-09-09 Meeting notes

2019-09-09 Meeting notes




  • Review progress and plan tasks for the next week

Discussion items

Outstanding tasks
  • NHSBT file has been completed however the documentation hasn't yet been updated with any exgtra information that was needed to carry out the task. Andrew Atterton will complete this week
  • George Swinnerton hasn't looked at the deletion further. The process needs to be designed with the view that it will be run from the UI. It also needs to be generic in that it may be other memberships will need correction etc.
  • james.griffin (Unlicensed) has completed the AKI extract for Anna but in the process has found a number of issues with dummy patient data, invalid NHS numbers etc. Whilst the numbers are low relative to the total number of patients This data should not have bee loaded and the AKI validation/upload process is not managing the errors effectively or doesnot include the checks required for sorting this. james.griffin (Unlicensed) will produce some counts of error numbers and types he found. He will also document the validation/verifications that the upload program does. This will allow a more comprehensive conversation about what is being stored and what should be resolved/deleted before upload to the database.
  • Kings file still has some coding issues in the feeds but are slowly getting fewer. Currently kings needs to sort the ODS code error, pv codes being used when they should be the equivalent UKRR code from the dataset in the rda feed. Once these have been resolved the current staging database will need to be dropped and a new copy from live made. Then kings will need to send through all their data. At this point an extract will be possible to allow Fran to validate. It is likely that all the addresses will need re-validating due to the change in address format. Meanwhile we need to verify the extract by comparing a 2017 extract with the one generated from this data and look at the differences in patient numbers, data content etc.
  • Relocation has hopefully moved to signnoff by the surveyors meaning contracts can be issued and signed.
  • Validation has made some progress on the June2019 sprint. There was an issue with the build breaking due to a python library changing its method of identifying python3 this was not supported by the version of devpi server running. George Swinnertonhas upgraded the server and now all is well. There were also some tests on some of the tickets that had broken and needed fixing for the build to progress. See 
    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
     for details
  • RaDaR james.griffin (Unlicensed) is adding some further validation on the date fields he added to the consent page to ensure dates are with in the correct range. He is also looking at another ticket to do with displaying the consent info.

 PREM surveys have completed but some data was incorrectly populated by formstorm. This needs to be corrected using a manual script. james.griffin (Unlicensed) will do this. 

Action items

  • james.griffin (Unlicensed)to document error counts and what is checked for by the AKI validation  
  • james.griffin (Unlicensed)  to complete  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.