2019-12-16 Meeting notes
2019-12-16 Meeting notes
- Review current tasks
- Plan next steps and tasks
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Outstanding Tasks |
| |
Exeter | Exeter has been in contact saying they are not recording EDTA codes. (Shaun wonders if this is because they don't have the renal pack for EPIC). They plan do use just snomed codes and would like some pick lists. This need some further discussion with Exeter. | |
AKI | There have been a few tickets for AKI the main one is that the library that should identify the delimiter in the "csv" files has failed on one file. George Swinnertonsorted this by putting quotes round the fields in the file and then it was picked up properly. This may need some changes to the code if it happens frequently. The AKI RAG calculation has changed so will need adjusting when the details are known. | |
SQL Query to produce prevalent counts. | As part of the dash board we want to try and show counts of prevalent patients by modality (HD, PD, Transplant) by Satellite, Main Unit and region.The data needs to be in specific structure that David Pitcher has circulated. We need initially a query that can be automated against the renalreg database to produce the required out put file. |
Action items
- George Swinnertonto make a validation Release including the completed tickets in the current sprint.
- Andrew Atterton to deploy to live and confirm all working
- Andrew Atterton complete
- George Swinnerton to remove the orphaned PV Memberships
- George Swinnerton to deploy the updated SQL Alchemy code to staging for further tests. If all is well it can then be deployed to live
- George Swinnerton to reply to NHSBT request on how to automate gpg
- George Swinnerton to look at the prevalent count SQL query
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