2020-01-20 Meeting notes
2020-01-20 Meeting notes
- Review outstanding tasks
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Outstanding tasks |
| |
AKI | George has been asked by Fran to check the RAG validation matches that used by the Stats team. Fran has sent him the email detailing the calculation | |
RaDaR | Fiona believes her biggest issue at the moment is to do with PV membrships and files being sent with no membership. the current group of sites that bypass PV memberships for the Nurture cohort are Cardiff, Manchester, Newcastle and should also include QEH Birmingham which has not been added. George Swinnerton will ensure this is added as soon as possible as Shaun has identified a number of files from this site being rejected. |
Action items
- George Swinnerton Review SQl Alchemy code deploy on UKRDC staging (https://confluence.ukrdc.org/display/TNG/Staging+Release+-+2020-01-19) and decide if ready to deploy to live if yes deploy fixes to live
- George Swinnerton to check the AKI RAG validation is the latest
- George Swinnerton to ensure all sites required by Fiona in the Nurture bypass list are added
- Andrew Atterton to progress RaDaR sprint tickets
- james.griffin (Unlicensed) to progress Validation Sprint tickets
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