2020-06-22 Meeting notes

2020-06-22 Meeting notes




  • Review current progress

Discussion items

Outstanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • NHSEngland revised export Retha has supplied an updated specification which has a few name standardisations and not much else to change. it also indicated that they also want covid19 report included  which stats will produce from their data. 
  • James has done another trace based on the ukrdcid this will included cases where we don't have an NHS number. The possible legitimate reasons for his could be a person getting treatment on holiday so don't have a gp registration or  a cross boarder treatment where their chi or hsc number isn't entered. All these cases will need a special treatment and probably a less generic process. The next stage is too look at recording this data in UKRDC and displaying it helpfully in the UI. When tracing offers an alternative NHS number this needs to some how be indicated in the record and those cases flagged for further investigation.
  • Andrew is currently reviewing the latest advisory from github
  • George hasn't yet contacted renalware about the dosage fields  that currently cause the problems for RaDaR this requires a schema update to add a field constraint.
  • The rrststatus code has been tested on dev and is ready to push out to staging which will hopefully be done this week.
  • Andrew has updated the table for Permissions and Groups on RaDaR however it was noticed there is no information on superusers in the table and are there any restricted "superusers" that could be used by services. querying the api.
  • Andrew has reviewed completed radar tickets and ensured they reference the release in which the fix was deployed and updated the confluence pages.
  • George has found his notes on the RRNO and will be adding a page to confluence on how the RRNO can be added to the ukrdc records.
  • There has been no feed back from BCH about the star registry code.
  • No changes/updates on the National Opt Out process yet.
  • Covid19 James has been looking at how best to extract the radar numbers for addition to the covid database. He has concluded using the radar api is the appropriate method. This raised the question about what account should be used as he would need an account that could find all the the data but ideally can be restricted to readonly and possibly even only demographics or only identifiers. The details of options for this in RaDaR are not identified on the Permisson page.  He now has a new database structure which is up and running. Loading the historic data identified a number of issues due to schema changes and historic missing data. Once these have been resolved the database should contain all the necessary data. Next week is the reporting week. As George will be absent we will need instructions on how to run the covid code that George currently handles. 
Quick Loading of the Q99 and Q100

In preparation for this two things need doing:

  • the live database needs to be copied to the test database and staff need to know that it cannot be used for testing if changes will be made - George will sort this
  • the data managers need to be added to the group that can access the test database and be shown how to select the appropriate database - Tim will sort his

In addition there is an issue with the current code base in the Q100 can not add a noload  due to the code assuming a 2 digit number. This was not done when first reported due to some confusion of fixes James had made to the code base which meant the editor was not updated due to the cursor changes not working. This issue has been resolved yet. George will make the changes and talk with James if he has issues with the previous fixes.

NHSBTGeorge Swinnerton

There should have been a new (early) NHSBT supplied for matching. This file needs to also include the new patients from Q100 for the covid reporting. These patients will need to be added to the cohort using the demographics code George has. When returning data to NHSBT these patients won't have any data as their files haven't yet been loaded so NHSBT will need to be aware this is the case. George will ensure Andrew has all this information so he can progress the file whilst George is away.

Action items

  • Andrew Attertonto update the /wiki/spaces/RAD/pages/1222606951 to include the "SuperUser" options (if any)  Currently it only lists the cohort/hospital users/roles  
  • George Swinnerton to add instructions on how to do the covid19 matches required for reporting week  
  • George Swinnerton to ensure Andrew has everything he needs for the NHSBT matching with extra identifiers