2020-07-20 Meeting notes
2020-07-20 Meeting notes
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
NHS England Extract | George Swinnerton | This is waiting on NHS England to confirm the "Data Landing Portal Account" details. | |
NHS Tracing | james.griffin (Unlicensed) | JG has done some work on the Tracing to RDA code. | |
Renalware RDA Medications | George Swinnerton | GS is discussing with Renalware | |
Renalware rrtstatus | George Swinnerton | Testing on Staging revealed an issue which has now been corrected. The code has worked since and is ready to go on Live. | |
Covid 19 Instructions Update | George Swinnerton | This still needs to be done. | |
"Quick Loading" of Files | George Swinnerton | SM had tested the proposed process and believes there is too much wrong with some of the files for them to be processed at speed. FBD thinks this is known and part of the pilot. All to discuss once FBD is back from leave. | |
BCH Star Registry | james.griffin (Unlicensed) | JG has been working on the documentation. He has also been in touch with Ian Luscombe there after the users reported that what they had wasn't the Star version. The issue was that the configuration didn't match the one Fiona had used for training. JG has copied this over but there may need to be a process to do ongoing updates. There is a lack of documention for both Star and Radar generally about using the Admin Tools. | |
Covid | james.griffin (Unlicensed) | RS asked JG to check that any queries / issues etc. had been completed or documented before he left. | |
RADAR | Andrew Atterton | AA has worked on the ticket that FB raised. There is an outstanding issue that Nurture / INS patients don't have a biopsy code. | |
DSAs | George Swinnerton | GS has to do 2 DSA Extracts this week (logged on Jira). This then prompted a discussion about whether it was possible for Stats to have access to tools etc. to do some of the linkages themselves. RS said she thought they may need a new SAS licence to connect to databases but GS thought that may be for the "Data Library" product and that basic database connections should be included. RS said Stats were to go on basic SQL/Python courses. IG issues were raised with RS saying that perhaps Anna's job title could be changed to "Data Scientist" to distinguish her from the other statisticans. | |
Editor / Validation | George Swinnerton | GS mentioned that the changes to the CKD No-Load logic were still to be done and he would try to have them ready for Fran's return (28th July). |
Action items
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