2020-08-10 Meeting notes

2020-08-10 Meeting notes




  • Review progress and plan goals for the week.

Discussion items

Outstanding ItemsTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • George and Tim have registered for the NHSEngland upload dashboard access this takes 3 days to sort so currently awaiting that. Retha has a further call with NHS England about a few final changes and then as soon as the accounts are active some test files will need loading as the site does some automatic validation so this should confirm if the process is working and file format is correct. After that the actual uploads can commence.
  • James hasn't had time to progress the tracing file processing and creation of the xml for adding records to the ukrdc. He will prioritise getting the code to create an xml file from the tracing data and getting it successfully uploaded. Once this is working on dev it needs to be tested on staging and confirmed working ok before adding to live. If time permits automation etc can be addressed
  • Tim from renalware remains on holiday so no progress.
  • Quick loading fro Q100 hundred is not currently going to happen as previously discussed because the DMs are so close to loading the files for 2019. The Q100 files may still be quick loaded in some way but a decision on this will be in the next couple of weeks.
  • James hasn't yet done the documentation on how to build the BCH VM this will be done this week. BCH haven't come back with any feed back yet.
  • George has had a look at the logging usage on the staging and live servers. He has purged some data and recovered around 400GB on staging. He has also tweaked the settings to be more in sync between the two servers ensuring similar purging is occurring on both. George. He also noted that the purge job was not completing/running regularly on live. The ensuing discussion discussed how the PV feed for Leicester could be enabled and tested. Currently it is assumed that Leicester would not be able to send a test feed. This means to route feeds to the staging server would require the incoming feed to be filtered by PV memberships. This is not currently a feature available in the current process. The proposed method to achieve this would involve changing the current sftp code on hs-test and possibly impacting all feeds or handling the Leicester feed through a new pathway that includes the filtering process to route PV memberships to live and staging but non pv memberships to only staging. Currently Leicester is still using the old SFTP server. Ideally this should be changed to N3 before we move this forwards as it will make the processing process much easier and less pragmatic to implement. Currently Leicester feed can not be enabled until ewe have a filtering process in place. George highlighted that if the enabling of the feed was dependent on vitaldata then it may not be a quick process.
  • National Opt out is due to be applied to all extracts as of the end of the month. This means all extracts will need to start by producing a list of NHS numbers for submission to the opt out service. This will return all the NHS numbers not in opt out. This will then be used to restrict the returned data.
  • James is still completing testing of his covid-19 code that was due to have been completed last week. This will be completed for this weeks reporting cycle which Andrew will manage to ensure he fully understands the process before James departs.
  • Andrew has been working on the RaDaR tickets but the priority task of syncing Radar from RDA feeds has not been completed. George says the code was done some time ago by Andrew but not tested and George will test this week in Andrews absence. The Jira ticket has not been updated to reflect any of this RDR-731 and TNG-570 both have no work log. This work should also include the fields for the INS data.
  • No further updates on barts or kings at this time.
AlphastudyFiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) The alphastudy website is to be removed but needs to be backed up and the data held in an accessible form. Currently the data is encrypted in a similar way to the ATTOM project. George has some code he used for this project which should be adaptable for this. The SSL certificate expires on the 14th.

Action items

  • George Swinnertonto ensure the Alphastudy site has been backed up and data decrypted to allow the server to be closed down