2020-09-07 Meeting notes

2020-09-07 Meeting notes




  • Review progress and tasks for the week

Discussion items

Outstanding ItemsTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Sample files have been uploaded in the new format and issues with the templates and formatting resolved. Now awaiting feed back from NHSEngland. Meanwhile we are due to send the next file. George Swinnertonwill check with Retha if this needs to be in the new or old format.
  • James code for the tracing is now referenced in confluence. but there is no indication as to whether the tests on dev were carried out as was planned or even where the latest output files are. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) will check his laptop when he is in the office to see if there are working files on there.
  •  George Swinnertonhas sent a reminder to renalware but no had a response. They are also looking at another issue where they are not sending dialysis status for all barts patients. This seems very similar to an original issue with Kings data suggesting they have not kept the code bases in sync.
  • No new on Q100 quick load yet.
  • George Swinnerton still needs to make changes to validation for importing the ckd. He is waiting on Fran confirming if there are any other tickets that need doing at the same time. The work should take a couple of days to do then need testing by Shaun and Fran.
  • George Swinnerton has resolved AKI-109 yet which is the issue where some data is not getting saved to the database. This needs to be done as soon as possible as it has been outstanding for along time. George will aim to sort before he goes on leave.
  • HES data has now been submitted for matching.
  • Welsh Pedw is stil to do but there is some confusion over the dataset and whether it is all patients or just rrt patients. Tom is currently resolving this issue.
  • PHE covid matching currently awaiting the opt out response before generating the file for matching. 
  • BCH no new info. One of the users sent an email saying the site was down which their IT resolved and they had issues logging in. As we don't have access to the server we cannot do anything to reset passwords etc.
  • Andrew still needs to resolve  
    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
     as a matter or urgency this is the same issue as TNG-570 which should have been resolved some time ago. Fiona is currently chasing this ticket. The expansion of this to include INS data should also be resolved at the same time.
 Other items
  •  PV had an issue with memberships around 25th August due it seems to multiple threads trying to process the same set of notifications due to the number in the queue. A fix has been created to ensure this won't happen again but the missing memberships need to be sync'd with the ukrdc which is currently rejecting files where a valid membership is in place. George Swinnerton will follow up with SSG and ensure the fix is on live and all missing memberships are sync'd
  • Renalindicators had two issues last week one was that the report failed. This was due to duplicate entries in the database. This should not be allowed to happen and suggests the code may not be enforcing this. It also transpired that the browse files option was limiting the date range for files to 2015-2019 and now we have 2020 quarters it throws a server 500 error. This has now been resolved and the site is working again though it is runinng django 1.9 (April 4, 2017 End of support)) and python2 (though python3 is supported) so probably needs upgrading to a later version (2.2+)  
  • NICOR data was sent and they have now had a look but would like more demographics than NHS and DOB to improve matching. This means the data may need re-sending with more demographics.

Action items

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