2020-10-19 Meeting notes

2020-10-19 Meeting notes




Discussion items

Outstanding ItemsTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • new NHSEnglnd Extract is now waiting for the 2019 data to be closed and will sent week beginning 26th October
  • Year End 2019 data. There are still some tickets to be competed which should be sorted 19th October. There are also around 500 diagnosis/cause of death that need coding which Manuela will do on Tuesday which will then need importing. 
  • The Classify patients for all 5 CKD states needs to be implemented and tested on the test database to see if there are any unexpected consequences. This will be done ths week and will be required to sort the no load ready for 2020 data loading.
  • The AKI extract was delayed with the issues with Tracing. These issues have now been sorted and the extract is now running in the background and should complete by Wednesday.
  • Renalware have been chased today over the changes they are supposed to be making to correct their data. 
  • The Alphastudy s still awaiting the required credentials. Stephanie had changed her password again and this has resulted in no one  being able to gain access. Fiona now has access and has raised a ticket.
  • George has made corrections for the merged labs and AKI code and is awaiting to hear back.
  • Andrew hasn't worked out why James' code doesn't produce xml files it appears to be missing a column. He will progress this once the more urgent Radar syncing is sorted.
  • Tim has contacted NHSDigital about the MESHUI and and adding  more users and these should be sorted shortly. Initially the systems team members will be added then we will look at stats team members to remove the need for Systems team involvement.
  • NHSBT Andrew has this in hand he has added the covid patients and started the extract running 
 AOB Retha Steenkamp

 Simplified project and covid patients. Retha wanted to check what was happening. George needs to check the database for these  but commented thta the cohort hadn't been updated since March and hasn't yet had any feed back from simplified.

There is  data request from Bristol Uni that also wants the creatinine table data besides the alert data. This data has hashed NHS no etc filled in so should be exportable by stats using a jupyter notebook. Retha will investigate.

AKI lab Whittigham. They are complaining that the sample code doesn't work. George looked at this a while ago and thinks the issue is it uses to fixed thresholds to flag possible alerts where there isn't a base line value to compare to. He thinks the lines that do this just need removing. Unfortunately the people ho originally wrote the code have retired. Retha will see if there is someone else available to confirm if this is the correct fix. This is really a task for the lab and not the registry since the code is guidance of how it might be done.

Fiona will require another code added to a radar code list. She will raise a ticket and let people know. Her highest priority is getting the kings data sent through.
Tasks this week


Year end Tickets  


CKD Changes /modality imports at year end

Simplified Data

Andrew Atterton

RDA Feed testing of exporter fix and deploying to live when working

webui deployment

radar documentation on the exporter/importer process

Thursdays presentation


Garry sorting the order that consents display t use the weighting as originally designed.

Andre Ortega Alban

Nephwork app

Continue reviewing documentation to get an understanding of the code and processes managed by the systems team. 

Action items
