2020-11-23 Meeting notes

2020-11-23 Meeting notes




Discussion items

Outstanding ItemsTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • George has been updating the validation jobs to python 3.6  this has involved finding a suitable svn library version and it appears beyond 3.6 there is no built version available. Moving forward the need to use svn was questioned and whether the svn code actually was used/provided the required audit. All the required changes have been made to allow the build jobs to complete George has made notes on issues he encountered Bamboo - Move All Jobs to Python 3.6 - Systems Team - Confluence (renalregistry.nhs.uk) He will progress the outstanding validation jobs this week.
  • Alphastudy Fiona has made some progress but hasn't got the required logins to access the server directly. She will continue pushing
  • Andrew hasn't done anything on the tracing.
  • George hasn't checked the renalware changes however it appears that things are working in that new data using identifiers from renalware are being sent through to radar successfully suggesting they have done the significant changes correctly. George will check laborders on Tuesday because none are sent over the weekend meaning that by Monday the last set sent were on Friday so would have been deleted from the logs due to space concerns.
  • Nephwork Andre still has to complete the data log and users account management with the reset password then deploy to nephwork.renalreg.org
  • Aki missing values George hasn't progressed this which involves batch loading the data into the test server and then swapping over the data bases if all is ok.
  • AKI opt out for external data request was delayed whilst waiting for Anna to confirm if there was an issue with the loaded values in this dataset. She has confirmed this is not the case and so this should be done this week.
  • Andrew has done three tickets which have all been deployed to live. He has also fixed the audit last login issue. This was caused by the deploy adding a log entry which has now been removed. Andrew flagged that the last login data  was being archived so there would only be records going back ~ 3months. This is not what Fiona needs and we should always keep the last login data for users going back as far as possible. A minimum is to keep the latest last login however if there is a data issue being able to trace logins etc may be useful.  
  • Andrew has identified that the covid database is still missing RaDaR numbers which means Garry has not been getting any updates on covid patients since the process stopped having files created by systems. He has now manually done an update but will look at providing a jupyter notebook to pull out the required file much like stats use and ensuring that new records have their radar number added as part of the process so that it is a simple query of the database each week.
RaDaRFiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) Fiona and Garry will be reviewing the 90 odd outstanding tickets and identifying which need doing and which can be dropped/are completed but not closed etc. 
RaDaRTim Whitlock (Deactivated)Multiple NHS numbers on record. Due to an error when adding a radar patient the UKRDC has multiple NHS numbers associated with the same radar number. This needs fixing by removing the faulty membership entries from the urkdc [TNG-655] Remove incorrect PV Memberships - UKRDC JIRA 
PV Multisend IG issueThere was an issue where a message sent via PV showed all the recipients on the to field. In addition if the message is replied to all the recipients will see the contents of the reply. Unfortunately Heartlands repeated this error this morning when trying to send all a message about the fact that their feed is now working again. We are unable to delete these messages and a ticket has been raised on SSG Jira to address this. George will check if it has been done and chase. Meanwhile Afzal plans to get the issue addressed in the code to prevent further IG issues.
Adding rrNosTim Whitlock (Deactivated)Currently if a file needs rrnos added it falls to george and the process is not documented. George did identify that there is some code in the validation to do this he will document the process and the reverse process of adding nhs numbers if dataset only has rrnos so that other members of the team can do it moving forwards.
BAPN PHE covid matchingTim Whitlock (Deactivated)George hasn't yet checked if the date issue on the BAPN data has affected the covid matching with PHE.

Action items

  • Andrew Atterton to look at ensuring the latest last login records are restored for all users who currently have not last login.  
  • George Swinnerton to document the process for adding rrnos to a dataset and the reverse process of nhs numbers to a dataset of rrnos  
  • George Swinnerton sort the issue  [TNG-655] Remove incorrect PV Memberships - UKRDC JIRA to stop multiple NHS numbers on the same record in RadaR and ensure the process is fully documented to allow other team members to do it moving forwards. This issue needs fixing on staging and live  
  • George Swinnerton to confirm if the BAPN date issue was also affecting the BAPN covid matching data which could impact some analysis of that data