Site On boarding
This page is for documenting things that need to be considered as part of the onboarding process. Tasks that will need to be completed differences in tasks depending on the type of site
PKB Onboarding Task List
Site Types
Full PKB site
All data from the renal system is being sent through. In theory this could mean no data needs to be sent through.
Partial PKB
Where some data such as lab results is sent through but other PV data isn't. This may mean the HL7 needs to not send some message types as they arrive directly.
Site just switching PV to PKB
Site where no PKB feed exists so the PV data is the only feed to PKB
All Site Tasks
Ensure all emails are as up to date as possible on PV
Ensure all dead patients are removed from PV
Ensure no PV files are being sent for patients who are not signed up
Site Specific tasks
Full PKB sites will need to ensure their renal systems data is included in the PKB. How will the equivalent of the careplan be handled? What will need to be done for the transplant listing?