2021-02-08 Meeting notes

2021-02-08 Meeting notes




  • Review current tasks and progress.

Discussion items

Outstanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Andrew has not progressed the tracing code any further.
  • Renalware have responded and are looking at the schema changes as soon as it is available on github.
  • All the issues that have shown up during testing of the validation code have been resolved. Fran and Shaun still have a few more elements to check out hopefully these will have been tested by the Wednesday validation meeting. This should allow the setting of the release date on Wednesday. Shaun also highlighted that the loading of the Paediatric data should be starting in July and the current validation doesn't have paediatric fields being validated/enabled. George is unsure how much of the required code is present but currently the schema doesn't include the paediatric fields so even if the code is present for some fields it will not be run. The work to support this will be planned at the next validation meeting.
  • NHSWales the single feed from wales for PV will be labelled as NHSWales and use NHSWLS as the code. This needs the changes made ont he UKRDC and PV to support this. NHS Wales arer currently getting Vitaldata to produce some test files. They anticipate the change over in April. The plan currently is not to rename any  previous feeds and try and mitigate any result overlaps. 
  • Covid database currently has the support for dummy dates, the rolling year daterange will be implemented next month and currently RR_Nos have not been added to the database but this is in progress.
  • Confluence stopped working again however the logs didn't give any clue as to why it crashed out. Before trying to migrate to cloud we need to upgraded the installations as much as we can to make the migration easier and mitigate the possible issues.
  • Andre has started looking at the Magic code base and has a meeting this week to discuss the changes required.
  • Fiona hasn't yet managed to contact staff at Birmingham to discuss the Star registry and identify what is required to move to deployment.
  • Andrew is currently waiting on NHSBT to return the file to progress. He will chase this week. He is also updating the documentation.
  • Alphastudy - George managed to get the backup and restored it to the rr-sql-live server. He has now extracted the data for Fiona however she has lost her login details so cannot check the data against the site. She mentioned she had not been able to login due to the expired ssl certificate it was suggested she try using internet explorer as most of the other browsers will not allow you to override an expired ssl certificate.
  • Andrew has continued to sort RaDaR tickets. Fiona has a couple of tickets she needs doing one involving a new screen but it still needs to be defined. He has also found there are two medication tables which he has was not aware of which means there are still issues with the medications which need resolving. There is a current_medications table which is manually entered (source_type='RADAR'). This should be resolved today. The radar exporter on staging is throwing a lot of errors  and this should be resolved with the next deployment.

Joel Collins (Deactivated)highlighted that the pyxb library that much of our code relies on is no longer being actively maintained. It will stop working altogether with python3.9 so we need to resolve it.  A number of other users have provided merge requests to fix these issues so it has been decided we will fork the library and apply the fixes  and use our own maintained version whilst monitoring pyxb repo should some one take on the maintenance. this should ensure we have a supported version moving forward as not viable alternative has been found. Joel will progress this.  

The pentesting of the internet is just being completed and the N3 pentesting starts this week.

As part of our new NBT contract they require us to ensure all patches are applied to our windows servers. This means we need to schedule regular reboots of our servers. Given that Patch Tuesday is the 2nd Tuesday of the month the second Thursday of the month would seem like a sensible day for this. Sometimes there is a second patch Tuesday on the 4th Tuesday of a month meaning we may need to schedule a second reboot. The aim will be to ensure we are all able to carry out this process which ahs to be done during NBTIT working hours to ensure we have access to the server room if required.  

Action items

  • Joel Collins (Deactivated)to fork the pyxb repo and publish a "fixed" version for our code to use.  
  • Pentesting Update 

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