2021-02-15 Meeting notes

2021-02-15 Meeting notes




Discussion items

Outstanding ItemsTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Andrew hasn't progressed the tracing code testing.
  • George hasn't had further feedback from renalware but he has updated a schema branch with the changes required for the dialysis changes.
  • George has now added the NHSWales PV group which now needs adding to the code lists on staging allow staging to process the test files. We are now waiting for some test files.
  • Andrew has added RR_NO to the covid database which makes things easier for the onward processing. 
  • Joel has forked the pyxb code and published  our customised version with the pr to fix python version compatibility. We are not currently using this version because we need to rebuild the xml models to prevent the strict version checking breaking the use of pyxb. This will require a coordinated switchover in the code base to ensure we don't break anything.
  • Pentesting The internet testing has been completed and an issue has been found with the patientview live api (but not the test patientview strangely) Afzal is following this up with SSG. The N3 testing started last week and we have had no feedback as yet.
  • George has built a new test release for Fran and Shaun to test. Most of the fixes have been tested as working and issues now seem to be related to oddities from some sites.
  • Andre has had a meeting with the Magic team and is working on the first change which is to allow a single individual to be associated with multiple sites. This has been triggered by the covid re-deployments but has been a growing issue requiring a change from the original design.
  • AKI Andre has so far reloaded 6739 files of the 8000+ so the basic loading should finish to day. There are still 300 file sin the loaded folder which haven't been loaded which need investigating.
  • There is now update on the Star Registry probably due to staff re-deployment for covid work.
  • Andrew has heard back from NHSBT and answered their queries and is awaiting the final file so hopefully it should be completed this week.
  • Andrew has completed a few more RaDaR tickets this week for Kate and Garry. Fiona highlighted changes being required to the database to make ethnicity mandated following new NHS guidelines.
  • Fiona has yet to create an updated specification for the INS app to allow us to engage possible developers.
 Nurture tables Fiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) Afonso has ad some issues finding some of the nurture data and some of the tables he expected to contain data didn't. Andy will contact him and explain which tables he should look in to find the data.
Deployment issuesJoel Collins (Deactivated)There was an unexpected issue with a deployment on Friday on staging which resulted in unexpected code being deployed. This is due to the way code changes are built by bamboo and pushed to devpi resulting in  multi code versions for a single version number depending which branch was updated. This means you do not know what code actually gets deployed. Which was the issue on Friday. The suggestion is to adopt a new build regime where dev deploys are pinned to a branch for testing once testing and ready for staging this is merged into the master branch and a specific commit is referenced in the code. Then on live the deployment is based around a tag. Joel will look to progress this.   This will reduce the risk of rogue code being deployed to staging due to changes on a branch. Joel will also ensure the process is documented fully.
Consent ScanningRetha SteenkampThe consent scanner template code needs to be tested so that some students can be employed to scan the forms. This means testing the scanning template with a number of test forms and identifying any issues and tweaks required in the template.

Action items

  • Andrew Attertonto ensure Afonso understands the tables he needs to query for the nurture data he is looking for  
  • Joel Collins (Deactivated) to look at making the changes to the deployment methodology to prevent the accidental deployment of branch code to staging. Introducing the use of tags and commit linking