Sending Amended HL7 to PKB
Sending Amended HL7 to PKB
If you need to test sending amended HL7 to PKB the way to do it is as follows -
Get the original HL7 you're going to be amending - for example:
MSH|^~\&|Renal Association|Exmouth_Renal_Test_Clinic{Exmouth_Renal_Test_Clinic}|HL7API|PKB|20210225141628||ORU^R01|fdb2cb68-163b-4ae5-8c5a-4bf51a08c402|P|2.7| PID|||5178531477^^^NHS^NH||Escobar^Susan^^^Ms.||20000101|F|||Carroll Village^^West Shanemouth^COUNTY^BS10 5NB^GB|||||||||||||||||||| OBR|||535e81523362d2f84ef9591e99bbc640|^^^^|||20180130000000||||||||||||||||||| OBX||NM|27113001^Weight^snomed-ct^^||120.1^|^kg|||||F|||20180130000000||||||||||||
And make the required changes. Note that you will need to escape any of the characters listed in the MSH section if your changes introduce them.
Go to Mirth and into the Messages for the PKB Output Channel.
Right Click and choose "Send Message"
Untick all the Destinations except for PKB and add a variable named PKBDOC the value of which should be your HL7 message. This will then be wrapped into the SOAP message by the PKB Channel.
Click Process Message to send the message.