2021-03-08 Meeting notes

2021-03-08 Meeting notes




  • Review current week progress.

Discussion items

Outstanding ItemsTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Andrew has reviewed the XML tracing code as Shaun had an issue finding the tracing file that had previously been done for this. He will now hand over this to Andre so that she can start gaining a better understanding of the UKRDC. The plan is to also add RR_No records as well.
  • George hasn't had any feedback from renalware as far as anyone is aware.
  • The integration of the pyxbx code will only become absolutely necessary once we switch python versions and can be done when required as we further develop the code base.
  • Andre has done the AKI regular extract and will start looking at the AKI RAG Error issue today [AKI-129] Crash Trying to run RAG Report - Invalid Excel Data - UK Renal Registry Jira Meanwhile she is still trying to sort out why not all the files have reloaded correctly. 
  • Joel still needs to add the use of tags/commits to specify requirements to confluence.
  • We have now received the pentesting reports no serious issues were uncovered except the PV api issue. Most issues relate to old libraries and the use of old encryptions/tls options on some websites which were historically required and it may now be possible to update. 
  • Validation testing is ongoing and has been hampered with issues with the new oxford feed which has identified more anomalies in error handling due to their bad data. Andrew has updated the test sql database for renalreg to allow further validation testing.
  • The first major improvement of magic has been completed and will be deployed today. This will take a while as the database will need to be updated due to the change in models. 
  • Fiona has had a meeting with the Star registry people and it appears as if one of the services has stopped on their end preventing the admin working it is unclear what has happened and how this should be resolved. One would assume rebooting the server their end should restart everything. She has another meeting on the 22nd. meanwhile the local copy running on rr-radar-intl-web.nortbristol.local is not working at the moment. This turned out to be an issue with the server having been rebooted/lost disk connections once it was properly restarted the site was back.
  • No update on the alphastudy
  • Andy is focusing on getting the new CKD African cohort added https://jira.renalregistry.nhs.uk/projects/RDR/issues/RDR-760 to radar. Fiona also has a couple of other tickets she needs prioritised. He has also moved the rituximab reporting to to occur on Thursday instead of Friday when all the other reports are done.  

Action items

  • Andrew Attertonto send through the notes about about the xml tracing code to Andre